The Region you live in is responsible for ensuring – as far as at all possible – that you are offered treatment within the maximum waiting times.
If the hospital you have been referred to is unable to offer you treatment within the maximum waiting times, the hospital must offer to refer you to another public or private hospital in Denmark within the maximum waiting times. If the hospital is unable to find you a public or private hospital, the hospital is required to contact the Danish Health Authority – if you wish.
Maximum waiting times for the procedure (revascularisation):
- for confirmed main stem disease: 10 days from the date when you gave informed consent for treatment, and 14 days from the date of receipt of the referral at the hospital where the procedure is to be performed.
- for severe angina due to sclerosis of the coronary arteries: 14 days from the date when you gave informed consent for treatment, and 21 days from the date of receipt of the referral at the hospital where the procedure is to be performed.
- for angina secondary to a blood clot in the heart: 21 days from the date when you gave informed consent for treatment, and 35 days from the date of receipt of the referral at the hospital where the procedure is to be performed.
Concurrent to your right to maximum waiting times for treatment you are entitled to treatment within 30 days if professionally possible.